Contents: Acknowledgments. Introduction: Fetz Marcabrus los motz e l so. Aujatz del chan la contensso . Text and Translation of Marcabru XXXI (“L’iverns vai e l temps s’aizina”). Notes on the Text and Translation of Poem XXXI. Metric Schema. Strophes I and II: Exordium . Strophes III-IV-V: The Modus Operandi of Amar . Strophes VI and VII: The Comic Scenario. Strophe VIII: The Fin Amic at Court. Strophe IX: Marcabru and the Troba n’ Eblo . Conclusion. Qui que paus . Text and Translation of Marcabru XXXII (“Lo vers comenssa / A son veil, sen antic”). Notes on the Text and Translation of Poem XXXII. Metric Schema. Strophes I and II: Exordium . Strophes III-IV-V: Love in Society – Negative Series. Strophes VI-VII-VIII: Love in Society – Positive Series. Strophes IX.-X-XI: The Poet in Society and in the World of Love. Conclusion. Conclusion: Si cum Marcabrus declina. Appendices. A Note on the Presentation of the Variants. Chart of Strophic Order of Poem XXXI. Manuscript Variants of Poem XXXI. Chart of Strophic Order of Poem XXXII. Manuscript Variants of Poem XXXII. Works Cited.

Autore/Autrice :
Vincent Pollina
Titolo :
Si cum Marcabrus declina
Sottotitolo :
Studies in the Poetics of the Troubadour Marcabru
Pagine :
Uscita :
17 x 24
7 disponibili