Titolo : Tra pieghe e anamorfosi. Sulla lettura deleuziana di Spinoza
Pagine : 15
Doi : 10.53148/DI202438006

This essay aims to examine some aspects of the deleuzean interpretation of Spinoza, not only in regards to his major works on the philosopher – namely Spinoza and the Problem of Expression and Spinoza. Practical Philosophy – but also in regards to the general understanding of his theoretical heritage. The paper starts with a global consideration of the methods employed by Deleuze in his works on the history of philosophy and then focuses on the concepts of ‘Anamorphosis’ and ‘Fold’ as two useful tools to deepen Deleuze’s interpretation of Spinoza’s thought. The
‘Anamorphosis’ is used in order to explain and frame the great variety of images of Spinoza presented in Deleuze’s texts. Within such variety, the concept of ‘Fold’ can be employed to better understand the underlying unity of Deleuze’s reading of Spinoza and its connection with the stages of his own theoretical path.

Keywords: Deleuze, Spinoza, History of Philosophy, Leibniz, Fold.