Ana Gemma López Martín
Full Professor of International Public Law at the Complutense University of Madrid. Extraordinary PhD Award. Director of the Department of International Law, Ecclesiastical and Legal Philosophy of the University Complutense of Madrid. Member of the Spanish-Portuguese American Institute of International Law. Member of the Institute of European Law and Regional Integration. Director of the research group “Globalization, Human Rights and International Law”, and of multiple research and innovation projects. He has written 8 monographs: El territorio estatal en discusión (1999); Tratados sucesivos en conflicto (2002); La navegación por los estrechos (2008); El ejercicio continuo y pacífico de funciones de Estado como modo de adquisición del título territorial en la jurisprudencia internacional (2009); International Straits (Springer, 2010); Los Estados fallidos (2015); Creación de Estados, Secesión y Reconocimiento (2018); Secession and Statehood. Lessons from Spain and Catalonia (Routledge, 2021). And more than a hundred articles and contributions in collective works. It has four teaching manuals: Instituciones y Organizaciones Internacionales (2021), Historia e Instituciones de la Unión Europea (2021), Public International Law (2022), Derecho Internacional Público (2022). He has directed seven doctoral theses with the highest qualification. He has given a multitude of conferences and courses, both in Spain and abroad, in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Peru, Morocco, the Dominican Republic, Miami or Angola. The complete curriculum can be consulted in: https://anagemmalopez.wordpress.com/.