Raquel Regueiro Dubra
Associate Professor in International Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She holds a PhD in Law (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and a Law Degree (University of Geneva, where she also obtained a Diploma in Transnational Law). She is part of the Universidad Complutense research group “Globalization, Human Rights and International Law”, and also is a member of the national projects “Transnational organized crime, multinational companies and human rights violations” (with the University of Salamanca) and “Women’s liquid rights: the CEDAW 40 years later” (with Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Also published in several languages, highlighting Shared Responsibility and Human Rights Abuse: The 2022 World Cup in Qatar, in Tilburg Law Review, 25, 2020, 1, pp. 27-39; Targeted killings of suspected terrorists in the light of the right of self-defence, in Revue Paix et Sécurité Internationales, 2015, 3, pp. 143-164; Surrogacy: from the denial of the rights of intended parents to the recognition of the rights of minors, in Actualidad Civil, 2015, pp. 92-100; The forced assimilation of the Uighur ethnic group as a crime against humanity, in Las minorías en el contexto actual, dir. by A.G. López Martín, C. Otero García-Castrillón, Dykinson, Madrid, 2020, pp. 89-102; Should we share? The United Nations and Troop-Contributing States Facing International Responsibility for the Sexual Crimes Committed by Peacekeepers, in Peacekeeping: Global Perspectives, Challenges and Impacts, Nova Publishers, New York, 2018, pp. 463-491. She has coordinated the monograph Antropología cultural del vestido: la perspectiva occidental sobre el burkini, coord. by R. Regueiro, F. Amérigo, N. Del Barrio, J. Hellman, Dykinson, Madrid, 2018, and participated in international seminars, highlighting her most recent contribution on Lethal autonomous weapons and the challenge to humanitarian and human rights law.