Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica
Is an architect and urbanist specialising in the historic environment educated at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, Central European University, and the University of Edinburgh, where she pursued PhD research on “Ideology of Urban Conservation”. She was inspector of historical monuments, Romanian Ministry of Culture; consultant to Integrated Territorial and Urban Conservation programme, Heritage Settlements Unit, ICCROM; editor of Edinburgh Architecture Research journal; coordinator of £1mil. Edinburgh Cast Collection project. Stoica is currently Lecturer in Architectural Conservation, Director PhD/MPhil in Architecture by Research, Depute Director of the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies. She is co-investigator in cultural heritage research projects of Una Europa consortium of universities and is an expert member of the International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of ICOMOS, Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage, and co-founder of the Schools of Architecture + World Heritage network.