Titolo : Dire «io» nella filosofia. I tanti moi di Montaigne
Pagine : 17
Doi : 10.53148/DI202438004

This article aims to examine the question of the moi in Montaigne analyzing the shifting of first person pronoun between story and theory, biography and philosophy. This critical problem agitates indeed the thought of Montaigne, who is sensible to the rights of the individual moi and the experience of the subject but at the same time, to the definition of a possible universality starting from a specific and singular situation: «la forme entière» of the human condition, entirely immersed in the perennial movement of the world and in the temporality of existence, «la nihilité de l’humaine condition».

Keywords: A Philosophy at the First-Person; Montaigne’s Les Essais; Skeptical phenomenalism; The multiple versions of the moi; The universal in question.