The purpose of this symposium is twofold: firstly to celebrate the eightieth birthday of Prof. Alberto Stefanelli, and secondly to review some of the most fruitful and promising areas of research into the nervous system. In point of fact, it will soon become clear just how closely interwoven the two aims are as we follow the threads of the research carried out by Prof. Stefanelli for over fifty years in the field of comparative and experimental neurology. The present symposium might thus be regarded as a journey through the brain, as a tour along some of the paths travelled by the neurological sciences under the guidance of the researchers whose lectures we shall be listening to.

Autore/Autrice :
Titolo :
Neurology today
Sottotitolo :
Proceedings of Symposium «Neurology today» held in honour of Professor Alberto Stefanelli Roma, October 20-22, 1988
Pagine :
Uscita :
17 x 24
7,00 €
6 disponibili