This volume, resulting from the training and research activities of the “Pandemic in translation” project – Forthem’s Experiencing Europe Lab, University of Palermo –, deals with central issues related to COVID-19 pandemic, and aims to contribute to a comparative understanding of European (mainly, but not only) values which are in charge during this contingency. Interdisciplinary in approach, it mobilizes a multicultural and multilinguistic debate about norms and beliefs, cultural identities and societal values, public policies and emotional communities. Using methodologies drawn from Comparative and International Law to Comparative Literature, from discourse analysis to Translation Studies, this book clarifies the socially constructed nature of the pandemic reality and calls for a redefinition of some long-assumed categories.
The contributions show not just a mixed bag of cutting-edge views and perspectives: the symbolic impact of COVID-19 is critically examined in its multiple trajectories, addressing the new world pandemic as a way of translating (and reconfiguring) cultural difference and social experience.
Pandemia in Translation is a publication produced with the financial support of the European Commission as part of the project “Pandemic in translation. Experiencing an Intercultural Understanding of European Pandemic”, FORTHEM, Experiencing Europe Lab – DEMS, University of Palermo. This publication reflects only the authors’s view; the Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Autore/Autrice :
Titolo :
Pandemia in Translation
Sottotitolo :
A Comparative Understanding of European Social Values
A cura di :
Alessandra Pera , Antonio Lavieri
Pagine :
Uscita :
20 x 20
Presentazione “Pandemia in Translation” – DEMS Università degli studi di Palermo
Mercoledì 22 dicembre 2021 ore 10.30 - Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell'Università degli studi di Palermo
Mercoledì 22 dicembre 2021 ore 10.30 - Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell'Università degli studi di Palermo