The present volume contains the proceedings from The First National Congress on the Valorisation and Recycling of Industrial Wastes held in L’Aquila from July 7-10, 1997 at the fifteenth century Aragonese Castle. During the three days of the congress, in two parallel sessions, there were 58 oral presentations and 28 works presented and discussed in the poster session. An exhibition of the companies which produce environmental technologies was organised in the basement of the castle. Their participation helped in proposing applied solutions to the many problems arising from the handling and treatment of industrial wastes. The authors, during the congress or in the months immediately following the congress, presented the works collected in this volume. The works here published include the most recent studies of the academic institutions and of the national research centres as well as the reports on the development of the industrial applications of new technologies and on the results obtained; one can reasonably state that they represent the national state of the art in the valorisation and recycling of industrial wastes.

Autore/Autrice :
Titolo :
Valorisation and recycling of industrial wastes
Sottotitolo :
Proceedings of the 1st National Congress L'Aquila, 7-10 luglio 1997, Forte Spagnolo
A cura di :
Pelino Mario and Pellacani Gian Carlo
Pagine :
Uscita :
17 x 24
4 disponibili